Video marketing : the center of your online strategy
Essential tool for a strong content and social media strategy, videos are truly the new star of the web and marketing in general. It is equally helpful in the sales department, marketing, HR, customer service and PR. A video not only helps you to introduce your business and its products/services to consumers, it also helps to get the attention and retention of your message, while generating impressive sales results. No matter if you have a B2B, B2C or C2C business, a video is your new best marketing ally and this is why!
- 71% of consumers find that a video gives a positive image to a business.
- Including a video on your homepage of your website can increase conversation in 80%
- A video in a info letter generates 200% to 300% more visits on your website.
- 92% of people consulting videos on their phones share it to their friends and contacts.
1- Differentiate yourself from the competition
In some sectors and industries the competition is fierce (just think about restaurants, auto dealers, cafes, shops, etc.) what could differentiate you and help you win the trust of consumers, yes, you guessed it, a video! Not only, you will have the control of your message, but your video, on YouTube will allows you to have a better position on Google! A non-negligible aspect right?
2- A powerful selling tool
According to CEFRIO investigation, 30% of adults from Québec consult social media before purchasing a service or a product (and this statistic passes to 47% for people of 25-34 years old) this says that the use of a video in your marketing strategy can be a big benefit! If your business offers services and products directly to the consumers, Facebook platform (that currently favorite’s videos, by increasing the view of it on the platform) becomes a most to spread your videos where it can be share beyond your fan basses.
3- A measurable investment
Your business probably invest already in different form of advertising (newspaper, direct marketing, display, and others) but how do you calculate the impact of this marketing action, and most importantly, how do you calculate the return on investment (ROI)? The usage of a video – no matter if it’s on Facebook or YouTube – allows you to have full access to information on the efficiency of your video and allows you to calculate your return on investment, conversion and a lot more. With different marketing techniques integrated in the videos, the benefits generated by the video will far exceed your investment.
4- Great tool for multiplatform marketing
A video does not only take different forms and a variety of content but it can also be integrated literarily ANYWHERE! On your web site, on your Facebook page (and of course on YouTube), on Instagram (60 sec.) in your newsletter and email, on a TV in the waiting room, in a event booth, in your sales premises (windows, counter, etc), there are as much videos applications as marketing tools and ideas.
5- Video = Infinit possibilities
Having to explain the function of a product or a service on the web, or having to answer frequent questions from your users, wanting to communique a promotion, contest, a new line of products or you wish to send a message to employees or investors, there is a video concept for each of does ideas.
You have ideas for videos that you would like to realize for your business, share it with us!
Web Marketing Specialist & Community Manager, Social Web
Twitter : @IVallee